Top Nations Where Everyone Are Employed

4. Japan:

This island nation that comes at the Eastern part of Asia has the third largest economy in the world after United States and China by nominal GDP and 4th largest economy by purchasing power parity after United States, China and India. This nation is also considered to be the fourth largest exporter as well as the fourth largest importer globally. The country is home for some of the world’s largest banks as well. Japan can be considered to be the leading nation in the world when it comes to scientific research and it is also the world leader for the fundamental scientific research. With all this economic strengths, no doubt this country has a lower unemployment rate as almost everyone in this country is employed. Here also over 50 percent + employees work for a full time basis for their employers.

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3. China:

China, the nation which is popularly known as the most populous country in the entire world, is also officially called as the People’s Republic of China. As per the latest reports, China has the second largest economy in the world. As the unemployment rate is below 5 percent in this nation, it can be considered as the nation where almost everyone is employed. Around 30 percent to 39 percent of the employees in this nation work for full time for their employers. The country produces large number of job opportunities in the public sector.

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