Top Countries with Highest Number of Holidays

8. Finland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Cyprus and Japan:

Western European nation, Finland is the nation that consists of 35 days of total holidays in a year that is divided into 25 days of statutory minimum holidays followed by 10 days of public holidays in a year. Apart from Finland, another Western European nation, Luxembourg is also having 25 days of statutory minimum holidays followed by 10 days of public holidays in a year.

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Though Portugal is having same 35 days of holidays in a year, its statutory minimum holidays are 22 days followed by 13 days of public holidays in a year. Western European nation Cyprus also comes under the list of countries that have 35 days of total holidays in a year that is divided by 20 days of statutory minimum holidays followed by 15 days of public holidays in a year. Japan is the only Asia-Pacific nation that has 35 days of holidays in a year that is divided into 20 statutory holidays along with 15 public holidays in a year.

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