Top Countries with Highest Number of Holidays

6. Hungary, Brazil and Croatia:

The nations that have 33 days of holidays in a year include two of the Central and Eastern European nations such as the Hungary and Croatia along with one Latin American nation Brazil. In Hungary, people can enjoy 23 statutory minimum holidays along with 10 public holidays. In Brazil, the people enjoy 22 statutory holidays along with 11 public holidays in a year. In Croatia, people have 20 days of statutory minimum holidays along with 13 public holidays that makes a total of 33 days of holidays per year.

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7. Denmark and Peru:

Western European nation Denmark has 25 days of statutory minimum holidays followed by 9 days of public holidays that sums up to a total of 34 days of holidays in a year. Along with this nation, Latin American country Peru is also having 34 days of holidays in a year which is divided into 22 statutory minimum holidays followed by 12 public holidays that sums up to 34 days of holidays in a year.

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