Top Countries with Highest Number of Holidays

4. UAE, Norway, Italy:

United Arab Emirates, the nation which come near the Middle East and African region, has 31 days of holidays in a year that is divided into 22 days of statutory minimum holidays and 9 days of public holidays in the country. Even in Norway that comes in the Western European region, has been mentioned that, it has a total of 31 days of holidays in a year that is divided into 21 statutory minimum holidays followed by 10 public holidays in a year to make it a total 31 days. Apart from UAE and Norway, another Western European nation Italy has 31 number of total holidays in a year that is divided into 20 statutory minimum holidays and 11 days of public holidays to make it a total 31 days.

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5. Argentina, Czech Republic:

This Latin American nation, Argentina is teamed up with the Central and Eastern European nation, Czech Republic as both the nations have a total number of 32 days of holidays in a year, with the same number of statutory minimum holidays [20] and the same number of public holidays [12] in a year. Both are ranked 7th in the highest number of public holidays list among 30 countries surveyed.

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