Top Countries with Highest Number of Holidays

9. United Kingdom [UK], France, Sweden, Venezuela and Spain:

United Kingdom, one of the economically powerful nations in the world has 36 days of holidays in a year that is divided into 28 days of statutory minimum holidays followed by 8 days of public holidays that sums up to 36 days of total holidays in a year. Another Western European nation France also has 36 days of total holidays in a year that is divided into 25 days of statutory minimum holidays followed by 11 days of public holidays that makes 36 total holidays in a year. Sweden, another European nation has holidays divided similar to that of France with 25 statutory holidays and 11 public holidays in a year.

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Latin American country, Venezuela has 24 days of statutory holidays along with 12 public holidays in a year to make it up to 36 total days of holidays in a year. Spain, another European nation has 22 days of statutory holidays followed by 14 days of public holidays to sum it up to 36 days of total holidays in a year.

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