Top Countries for a Better Work-Life Balance

4. Norway:

It is common across the world that, it is the men who spend more time on paid works than women, as women concentrate and work on unpaid domestic work most of the time. According to OECD, Norwegian men spend 152 minutes every day on cooking, taking care of the family members and other personal works. This time is considered to be higher than average 131 minutes but it is still lesser than the time women spend on these domestic activities. Women spend 225 minutes per day on their household works. As a whole, including both Norwegian men and women, they spend approximately 1414 hours every year on working, but this is considered to be lower than the OECD average time of 1749 hours. Only 3 percent of the overall professionals in Norway work for longer hours which are definitely very less than average 9 percent. 4 percent of men work for longer hours compared to 1 percent of women. A better work-life balance can bring you additional physical and mental health benefits.

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