Top Countries for a Better Work-Life Balance

5. Netherlands:

Netherland is ranked as the fifth best foreign destinations for transferees. Sullivan says that, Netherland has become the home to a very open marketplace with dual importance in the professional services. The country’s hub for international business is in Amsterdam which is the financial and also considered as the cultural capital of Netherlands. The capital city is the home for stock exchange which is considered to be the oldest stock exchange in the world and for your information, about 500 world’s top companies are based in this country. In this nation, the men spend around 163 minutes per day on cooking, cleaning and on other personal activities which is higher than average 131 minutes. But this is definitely lesser than the time women in Netherland spend on working each day as they spend around 273 minutes every day on the domestic works. Netherland professionals spend around 1,377 hours per year on working, and this is considered to be the lowest rate in the OECD and lesser than the average 1,749 hours. Only 1 percent of professionals in this country work for long hours.

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