Top Countries for a Better Work-Life Balance

3. Spain:

Spanish way of life is quite different than that of any other nations across the world. This country is considered as one among the most visited nations around the world because of its awesome lifestyle of culture. According to OECD, Spanish men spend approximately 107 minutes every day on cooking, cleaning, taking care of the children and other household works in a day which is lower than average 131 minutes. But these 107 minutes is considered to be half when it is compared with 294 minutes spent by Spanish women every day on the household and other domestic work. The people in this country work for around 1663 hours every year which is also considered to be lower than 1749 average hours. Even it has been reported that employees working for more than 50 hours every week is also not very large in this nation. In this country, just around 7 percent of the professionals work for longer hours which are also lower than the average 9 percent according to OECD. 9 percent of the Spanish men work for longer hours when it is compared with women as only 4 percent of women work for longer hours.

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