Top 6 Reasons Why Employees Resign

1. If employees feel they are underappreciated:

Employees, who resign from the job for this reason, will not be expecting a pat on their back for the good work they show up from time to time, by finishing out their given task on time. Instead, they simply need to be reminded every time by their employer or by their team manager that, their contribution towards the company holds a high value to the team or the company.

So, if you as an employer ignore any employee or their work for a long time, definitely they will make up their mind to resign from the company and start seeking for appreciation elsewhere after quitting their your company. So, make sure, proper appreciation along with guidance is given to each and every employee of your company without any bias.  

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2.  Regarding the compensations:

Though the employers think they are being fair about the compensations that the employees are getting in their company, they need to address this matter with at most priority. If the employees get to know the compensations are not been given fairly, automatically their mind will be diverted towards resigning from their position in the company.

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