Top 6 Reasons Why Employees Resign

Bangalore: Every professional in this world would be having a reason for resigning from a job in which they would have been serving from a long time. At the same time, an employer will know the value of each employee they have recruited. But, the fact is, how much ever the employer tries to retain the employee by treating them fairly, the time comes when the employees start leaving based on the impression they would be having towards the company. Apart from that, there are employers who encourage the employee decision of quitting the job and accept their resignation letter without even trying once to retain them. This kind of situation occurs when the employer feel that the employee is of no more use for the company’s profit.

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So, apart from the above mentioned reasons, below are mentioned the top 10 reasons that the employees usually give while resigning from a job, given by Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter of Glassdoor, as mentioned on the Business Insider website. Along with the reasons that employees give while resigning from a job, this article also includes essential suggestions for employer on how to retain those important workers in the company itself.

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