Top 5 Secrets of Recruiters

2. Hiring managers spend less than 30 seconds on each resume that they receive: Remember that hiring managers are busy professionals, they receive thousands of resume throughout the day, out of which they only select a few which they find is quite suitable for the position. In order to get a call from the interviewer you should frame a resume that highlights your skill without much exaggeration, likewise your resume should be catchy without mistakes that can increase your chances for the offer.     

3. Hiring managers always look for the reason that can keep you from bagging the offer:  For a particular job opening in the organization, hiring managers receive several applications for the position, therefore they tend to look for reasons that can eliminate you from getting the job, so keep in mind that as the hiring process in today’s ultra competitive job market is quite complicated look for reference which can increase your chances of getting hired for the position. You should make contacts with professionals related to your field through professional networking sites like LinkedIn, likewise stay in touch with your college seniors, ex bosses and colleagues who can help you to land in your dream job.