Top 5 Secrets of Recruiters

Bangalore: Are you preparing for a job interview? If yes, then keep in mind that these days the hiring process are quite complicated as the recruiters who are screening , evaluating your CV and interviewing you, have several things in mind throughout the hiring process. According to Forbes contributor Learn Vest listed below are the five secrets of the hiring managers mentioned on the Forbes website, knowing which you can prepare for the interview accordingly, and can increase your chances of bagging the job offer.  

1. Hiring managers prefer to hire people who are already employed: Although unemployed people are more in need of a job, hiring managers prefer to hire professionals who are already employed, if a person is unemployed for a long period of time, hiring manager’s starts wondering why he/she is unemployed for such a long time as he/she tends to think that something may have definitely gone wrong in his/her career. So it is always advisable for you to write something down in your resume that can hide that you have remained unemployed for a long time. In order to fill the gap, opt for some educational courses or charity work which you can fill in your resume.