Top 5 Secrets of Recruiters

4. Hiring managers tend to avoid newly married women: It is advisable to keep your wedding ring at home as some hiring managers are always in an opinion that newly married women, will start their family soon and will take long maternity leave, which is quite a permissible leave and will not let them to fire that person legally, in order to fill that employees position they will have to hire someone else, who also cannot be fired legally if the employee on maternity leave comes back. Moreover hiring managers tend to avoid such kind of a situation where they need only one person for the position instead of two.

5. Hiring managers have no hint of what they are doing: Some hiring managers are not much experienced interviewers, in spite of their attempt to be the best, keep in mind that their job is to hire a person who can work for the position for the least amount of pay. So try to impress the interviewer which can get you hired for the position. Even if he/she is not handling the hiring decision, he/she will definitely keep your resume into account and can call you next time if they have a suitable job opening for you in the organization.