Top 5 Qualities Employers look for in Candidates

2. Leadership skill: The second criteria, interviewers look for is the leadership skills in a candidate. A person with good leadership skills will have the enthusiasm and the aspiration to accept responsibility for great results. In other words, it can also be said as the knack to take charge, to volunteer for assignments, and to accept accountability for achieving the required results of the assignments. Therefore, demonstrate your willingness in front of the interviewer to be a leader in the company by offering to take charge of achieving company goals and then committing yourself to generate high level performance.

3. Integrity: If you want to achieve success in life and at work, then you should definitely possess the quality of integrity. Integrity means that you should be perfectly honest with yourself and in your relationships with others. For this, you should be ready to confess your strengths and weaknesses.   You should be prepared to admit your past mistakes; by this you are actually showcasing your loyalty in front of the interviewer. Likewise, you should keep in mind not to say anything negative about a previous employer or a person with whom you have worked.