Top 5 Qualities Employers look for in Candidates

Bangalore: Are you recently looking for a job and wondering that what are the great qualities that employers look for in a candidate? If yes, then keep in mind that employers in today’s job market already have a definite amount of experience with good as well as bad staffs. So they have quite a good idea, as in what they want in a candidate. According to the website, ‘The undercover recruiter’ listed below are five qualities that interviewers look for in a candidate.  

1. Intelligence: Intelligence is the first thing that employers look for in a candidate. The findings of each and every study reveal that 76 percent of the contribution and productivity of an employee will be determined by the individual’s level of intelligence. The recruiters look for intelligent candidates because intelligence suggests that the candidate has ability to plan, to organize, to set priorities, to solve problems, and to get the job done in a perfect manner.  Intelligence refers to the candidate’s level of common sense and the practical ability to deal with the day-to-day challenges of the job. If you want to appear smarter in front of the recruiter ask him intelligent questions, show him that you are quite curious to know the answers, likewise, listen to the answers carefully. By this you are sure to make him believe that you are an intelligent person.