Top 10 Nations with the Biggest Labour Force

Bangalore: The global economy is once again in a precarious situation, as most of the governments from around the world are cutting down on their spending and majority of the employers are preparing to withstand the onslaught of another slowdown. Unemployment rates are at an all time high in some nations, and the job crisis are widespread all over the world.   

Amidst all this, some economies of the world aren’t cutting jobs, and in fact they are adding to their payrolls.

We have put together a list of 10 countries with the largest labour force, as listed by Yahoo Finance.


Unsurprisingly, China, the world’s second largest economy by purchasing power parity and by nominal GDP, occupies the top slot on the list of countries with the largest labour force. With a labour force of approximately 79.54 crore, China, the world’s largest exporter and importer of goods, has emerged as the nation with the biggest labour force.

With an outstanding growth rate averaging 10 percent over the last three decades, the country has emerged as the fastest-growing economy of the world.

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