Tips to Crack the Toughest Interview Questions

2. What Are You Most Proud In Your Career?

Kimberly Bishop, an Executive Recruiter, stated that she would often get blank stares from candidates as response to this question.

The best way to respond to this question is by stating one momentous accomplishment and explaining the reason why you are proud of it. You can also add the impact of this momentous accomplishment on your personal life.

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3. What Skills Are You Lacking?

Ability to brief about your biggest weakness without causing any harm to your reputation in the eyes of the recruiter is one of the biggest challenges of a job interview.

As per Nicole Williams, LinkedIn’s Career Expert, the best response to this question would be, not to draw a negative attention on one’s self by stating something that would lead an employer to think that he / she is not a perfect-fit for the job.  As per him, a straightforward and optimistic answer would be something like stating, “I tend to say yes and get over committed”.