Tips to Crack the Toughest Interview Questions

4. Which Past Manager Has Liked You the Least, And What Will This Person Tell me About You?

This is a tricky question that is bound to test an individual’s self-awareness and also demands that they have a discussion about their weaknesses from the perspective of others. The best way to approach this question is to be positive about past relationship with your higher authorities at work, being frank about the things you have learnt and most of all being honest about the shortcomings, as per Allison VanNest, Head of Communications at Grammarly, which is a software suite service for perfecting written English.

Do bear in mind, not to cross the limit while self-criticizing and avoid pointing fingers at how annoying your previous boss was.

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5. Tell Me What You Felt Was Unfair To You In Your Last Job?

This question is intended to uncover some of your shortcomings. And the best way to respond to this question is by providing honest and positive answers. You can tell the recruiter about an unfair circumstance and try to shift the focus towards the proactive steps that you took to deal with that particular situation.