Tips to Crack the Toughest Interview Questions

1. How Long Are You Willing To Fail At This Job Before You Succeed?

This is amongst the favorite interview questions of Jon Sterling, Co-Founder of Interview Circuit. As per him, most recruiters do not have a particular answer in mind when they ask this question, and use this question to see how a job applicant reacts. 

He added that, thought a variety of answers would be satisfactory in this scenario, the best answer would be to let know that he / she is willing to stick with the job for as long as it takes to succeed. This answer demonstrates a candidate’s endurance and shows that he/she is in it for the long-run.

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Alternatively, you could emphasize that you are willing to fail and learn from your mistakes, which demonstrates that you are not afraid of failures.

The worst answer in this scenario would be to mention a time frame, or saying “I don’t know”, as per Jon Sterling.