The Most Difficult Jobs to Get On Earth

6. Professional Referee:

Professional referees enforce rigid rules and regulations during a professional match. And it is a fact that, as long as professional sports are being played there will be a demand for professional umpires and referees.

Unfortunately, the chances of making this profession are even more unlikely than becoming a professional athlete. The opportunities in this field are very slim and far between, plus the grueling recruitment processes wherein the candidates have to go through elaborated introspective psychological tests that are too hot to handle for any individuals.

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7. Mathematical Technician:

If you love working with numbers, then this career is for you. A mathematical technician translates numbers into graphs, tables and correlation related to daily life. The job description of this professional includes reducing raw data into meaningful information by applying standardized mathematical principles, formulas and methodologies to problems in physical science and engineering.

With a very limited opportunities and the necessity to work with servant like intelligence, this job tops the lists of hardest job to come by.

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