The Most Difficult Jobs to Get On Earth

5. Professional Athlete:

If you have a passion for sport and dream to achieve big, then it is worth knowing that the odds are not in your favor. As per the mathematical odds, you have a better chance of being hit by lightening than becoming a professional athlete. Of course, the odds don’t matter if you have exceptional abilities. 

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It is beyond any doubts that this is the toughest and the most punishing career option. Similar to modeling, these professional athletes use their body as a means of success. They are active in IPL, NBA, EPL, etc. and provide entertainment for millions of viewers around the world by battling teams, and exhibiting exceptional physical ability and skill. Most professional athletes have dedicated their lives to fine tune their body and athletic skills.

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As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics an aspiring individual has a 0.00565 percent chance of becoming a professional athlete.