Secrets to Get the Work Done

3. If you are not sure of anything, clarify your doubt immediately:

Think your company is implementing a major change and you and other workers find that as harder to do and time consuming than it was before and no one knows the reason why the system was changed. At that time you must make an effort to get to know the reason by your seniors because there can’t be a sudden change without any reason. If you get to know the reason behind it, you may start adopting the new method and work according to it.

4. ‘I’m sorry’, the most powerful word in English:

Everyone tends to do mistakes at any point of time not only just in a workplace. Think you have missed the given deadline to complete your work and still you are not done with it, what will you do next? Yes, the first thing that comes to your mind is the two word,’ I’m Sorry’. This particular word can help you most of the time and it can help you in reducing the other person’s anger on you. Nothing is bad in apologizing for your mistake; in fact Studer says that, it shows one’s vulnerability, and vulnerability is a powerful trait.