Most Unusual and Satisfying Jobs in the World

Bed Tester

For those who find it hard to get out of bed in the morning, consider becoming a professional bed tester. In this line of work, you will not only be allowed to sleep on the job, but also get paid to do so. As a professional bed tester, all you need to do is sleep on luxury beds for hours and write blogs about your experience.

White Hat Hacker

Stealing data or valuable information from others using the loopholes in the security can be considered as fun by some, but it will in all probability land them in a jail. Rather, use those skills to add to the security of data and earn big bucks, while having fun following your passion.  


This is arguably the most interesting job on the planet. Walking on air without any ground beneath one’s feet or eating breakfast while floating around a room is an experience that is worth dying for, and this is what astronauts do on a daily basis.

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