Most Unusual and Satisfying Jobs in the World

Resort Waterslide Tester

This job is surely the envy of any cubicle worker. As the name indicates the job of these professionals is to test the different waterslides and check whether the attributes such as speed, height, water quality are within the safety norms, which surely none of us would mind doing.

Video Game Designer

Yes, playing video games is fun, but creating it using your entire creative juices can be equally exciting and enchanting. The fun of playing with one’s imagination and the hefty pay adds to the attractiveness of this profession.


Yes, this is a stressful job, but it is also one of the most interesting and satisfying jobs that you can ever lay your hands on. As a pilot you not only get to fly a plane, but also travel the world for free and earn big bucks, while doing something a very few people can do. 

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8 Most Unlucky Jobs of All Time