Most Unusual and Satisfying Jobs in the World

Food Critic and Wine Taster

Do you live to eat rather than eat to live, then what better job for you, than to get paid for eating! If you think that this is a gag, you must have not heard of food critics, who sample and critique the food, or wine tasters who savor wine and decide which sample is the best. Trying out tempting recipes from around the world and giving one’s opinion about it, can be one of the most exciting job for a foodie. This job also entails a lot of travel, which adds to the interesting nature of this line of work. 

Island Caretaker

What can be the better job other than living and having fun on a luxury island? The job description includes swimming, exploring and relaxing on a paradise surrounded by sea, while writing blogs to promote the area, which are tasks that some of us are ready to do for free.

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8 Jobs for Food Lovers