Middle-Class Jobs That Are About to Vanish By 2020

3. Postal service mail carriers:

Earlier every individual would depend upon the postal services in every nation n earth, but as there was a greater amount of the technological advancement, millions of professionals in this sector lost their jobs and on section among them are postal service mail carriers. This job has already started nearing the bankruptcy after the email and automated bill-paying systems raised by lessening the demand for mail carriers. So, as there were fewer mails, gradually the demand lessened for the deliverers across the world.

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2. Desktop Publishers:

Desktop publishers are mainly engaged in designing brochures, banners, advertisements, newsletters etc. But as there are user friendly softwares such as Microsoft Publisher and PowerPoint, a professional in desktop publishing can generate any such similar quality print materials. Even the companies are making use of the graphic designers, copy editors and web designers instead of desktop publishers to get done most of the graphically challenging tasks. 

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