Middle-Class Jobs That Are About to Vanish By 2020

1. Post Masters:

As the post offices are experiencing great loss all over the world from past few years, the demand for post masters has lessened to a great extent. Many post masters were/ are being forced to leave the profession as many post offices were closing in different parts of the world. By 2014, in the United States, around 13,000 post offices have decided to operate just for few hours which is approximately for 2 to 3 hours a day. This also means that, if there are just few post offices that are operating for just few hours a day, gradually there won’t be a need of larger number of post masters and mail superintendents in this profession. So, in the future, most of the job declines will be from attrition and those who lose their job will be offered retirement incentives and only less number of new managers ill be hired for this profession in future.

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