Middle-Class Jobs That Are About to Vanish By 2020

4. Farmers, Agricultural managers and Ranchers:

 Agriculture is one of the most popular and oldest occupations in India, with half of the total workforce in India engaging in this sector. This is one of the most popular jobs among the middle class families in India.  But unfortunately it seems like this profession is slowly vanishing day by day as the people engaged in this sector for long years are getting attracted towards urban life gradually. These agriculturists are selling out their agricultural lands for MNCs and other industries for a high price and are settling in the urban areas by engaging themselves in labor professions or settling down by building huge bungalows with that price amount they have received by selling their land. So, this is one of the reasons for these professions vanishing day by day.

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Apart from that, as there is a good improvement in agricultural technology and fertilizers, the farmers are now producing approximately two and a half times more food per acre than they were producing before all these technological advancements happened. And also these technological advancements in this sector, it requires only small number of professionals engage in this sector.

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