Middle-Class Jobs That Are About to Vanish By 2020

5. Reporters and Correspondents:

Yes, though there is a great opportunity for reporters and correspondents at present, gradually this trend is about to slow down as the consolidation is becoming a new trend in the news industry. Apart from that, the big news organizations are taking control over the small news organizations by merging up with them and all the unneeded journalists who are covering the same news repeatedly are asked to leave their job.

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Apart from this reason, another essential factor to be considered for the reduce in demand for reporters and correspondents in the future is that, the demand for the newspaper readership all over the world is lessening day by day, as most of them are accessing for the information through the internet and other news channels. So, as a result, adverting has become harder to sell through the newspapers and magazines that have led to closing down of different newspaper organizations. This has led many reporters lose their job.

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