India Inc to Create 1.6 Million Jobs in 2012

Real Estate and Construction:

Expected Growth: 13.4 percent

Though, the economy slowdown hit hard on Real Estate and Construction sector last year, it could create 129,473 jobs which is 1.7 percent lesser than the expected job creation. With an employment base of 988,815, the sector expected to add 132,906 jobs in CY 2012. The growth of real estate completely depends on the impact of Indian economy on various aspects like income, employment, inflation and interest rate. Also the performance of Banking Financial Services along with Insurance and Information Technology and Information Technology Enabled Services will influence the sector. The worst performance of Indian Rupee among Asian currencies could make a positive impact on the sector while attracting NRIs to invest in Real Estate sectors.

Media & Entertainment:

Expected Growth: 10.9 percent

Being the world’s third largest TV market next to China and U.S., the media industry in India is still developing with a growing digitization, media consumption and improving demographics. Media and Entertainment (M&E) industry in India is expected to grow from $ 16.3 billion in 2010 to more than $ 25 billion by 2015, as said by the report of Ernst & Young. The latest reports found India has more than 600 TV channels and 70,000 newspapers. India produces more than 1000 films in a year. And the sector expected to create 162,264 new job opportunities in the current CY.