5 Low-Stress Jobs for IT Pros

Bangalore: Are you stressed out with your IT job? Have you thought IT jobs are much stressful even though you love IT field? Before beating up with high blood pressure, if you are really down with your stressful IT jobs, you can try out less-concentrated IT jobs. One of the blogger in techrepublic.com, Justin James filtered out the low-stress jobs in one of his article. It is true that IT jobs have to be treated seriously as any mistakes can have an impact on the industry. Working with tight deadlines and if you will not get a handful of technical direction from others can possibly lead your dreams in a wrong direction.

Try out these comparatively low-stress IT industry jobs, to keep up your career in IT

1. Computer sales:

Along with the pay check, most of the IT holders are taking their highly deadline project to home. Have you thought of utilizing your IT skills in sales? It will be one of the best low-stressful IT job you can pursue as your career. Why can’t you develop communication skills to interact with customers?  Most of them should not have a vivid picture of what they want when they come for purchasing.  They must be having a partly lined idea of what they want to buy. Instead of shutting your mouth for a whole day in front of heavy project, can’t you pick the job where you can associate both passion and personality for earning your check? Sell your IT skills for those who want, rather than taking all your projects to home.