Highly Employed Indian States for 2012

2. Gujarat:

Gujarat the State that comes towards the extreme end of the western part of India, is the tenth largest populated State of the country. Gandhinagar, is the capital city of the State, while Ahmadabad is the largest city in that State. This State has played a major role in the economic history of India being one of the most industrialized states in India. The State also serves as the home for some of the largest businesses in the country and is considered to be the second most Free State after Tamil Nadu in India, as per the report on economic freedom.

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As reported by the Press Trust of India [PTI], Gujarat Chief Minister, Narendra Modi, was delighted hearing that Gujarat is one of the highly employed States among all the States in India. Narendra Modi had tweeted that, he was delighted to see Gujarat being a least unemployed State in the country. As by the Labor Bureau report, Gujarat’s unemployment rate was just around 1 percent that helped it to be the country’s second highly employed State. It was also reported that the State witnessed a very low unemployment rate among the females in the urban areas.

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