Highly Employed Indian States for 2012

3. Chhattisgarh:

The State situated in the central part of India, is the sixteenth highly populated State in India as of 2011. The State was partitioned from the sixteen Chattisgarhi speaking northeastern districts of Madhya Pradesh on November 1st, 2000. The State is considered as the third highly employed State in India, as its unemployment rate was just recorded as 1.2 percent as per the latest Labor Bureau survey. City of Raipur serves as the capital of the State. Other interesting factors about this State are, the State serves as an important electricity and Steel producing State of India. The education index in this State is better than that of other States of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan though its rate is considered to be lower when it comes to national average. 

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Agricultural sector is considered as the key job creating sector in this State. Major companies in this State are from the sectors of metal, oil, real estate, engineering, mining and power sectors.

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