Highly Employed Indian States for 2012

1. Daman and Diu:
Daman and Diu is a Union Territory in India, where for over 450 years, the costal enclaves of Daman and Diu on the Arabian Sea coast belonged to the Portuguese India along with Goa and Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Till the year 1961, Goa, Daman and Diu governed as part of a single union territory after which Goa was granted the Statehood rights. Being the fifth most highly populated Union Territory in India, Daman and Diu became the top most employed place according to the Labor Bureau list of highly employed States and UN [Union Territory] in India with just 0.6 percent of Unemployment rate.  

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The official and main languages of this Union Territory are English, Hindi, Gujarati and Marathi. Though in the past there were many Portuguese speaking people, the number is slowly going down as it has no longer stayed as the official language nor taught at schools. English language is largely accepted for official purposes in the Union Territory.

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