Here's How You Can Say Bye to Monday Morning Blues

2. Healthy Meal:

A healthy and nourishing meal [breakfast] can re-energize your body and provide the necessary energy to power your way through Monday. Try to consume vitamin and energy rich food such as whole grains, which enables you to withstand the added stress and pressure of Monday.   

3. Getting Up Early in the Morning:

Simple activities such as waking up early in the morning can easily help you defeat Monday blues. Waking up early gives you time to mentally and physically prepare yourself for the week ahead. This helps you to gain upper hand and gives you the control of the challenges ahead.

4. Future Planning:

The start of a new week can be very chaotic and lack of appropriate planning may further worsen your Monday blues. Putting together an appropriate layout and planning for the week ahead over the spare time in the weekend can be a smart solution to put up with the stress and chaos of Monday.