10 Biggest Job Cuts by IT Companies for 2012

Bangalore: Every company in this world will go through hardships once in a while, because of the economic crisis faced by the companies. When the company is facing tough times, it is normal that, it has a direct impact on the employees’ jobs, as the company will be under immense pressure to lay off some of their employees. The reasons for job cuts might vary each time, as it might be because of the business restructuring and in some cases it might also be because of the company’s need of becoming more cost efficient.

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As there is just few more months for this year to end, by now, since the beginning of the year large number of jobs have been cut in different IT Companies. Well, if you are curious to know which those IT Companies are and because of what reason they have cut large number of jobs, here is the list of biggest job cuts announced by different IT companies in 2012, starting from the lowest of the job cuts, as reported on the Economic Times Website.

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