Don't Ever Say this to Your Boss!

4. “ Do this favor to me or else I’ll Quit”:

This can be considered as a blackmailing kind of nature. This sought of behavior can be very difficult to you in the future. If at all you want to ask your employer a raise in your salary or want to ask for a day’s leave, don’t ask them in a threatening manner saying you will quit the job if they don’t grant you what you want because there are many options for the company you are working even if you quit their company, but it is you who will end up in trouble if you quit your job as there is huge competition out in the job market. Your wrong behavior can lose your manager’s respect towards you and your relationship may get spoilt.

5. “I can’t do this as I have to do that”:

Don’t ever refuse the offer your boss asks you to do. It is true that, you would have refused the new project because you still haven’t completed the work assigned to you earlier because of many problems. In that case instead of refusing the new project, try to explain and convince him about your present project and explain him the conflicts you are going through to complete the project. Instead of refusing the new work, it is good you ask him to assign the same work once you are done with the work instead of transferring it to the other person. It shows your interest in the new one.