Don't Ever Say this to Your Boss!

2. “It is not my mistake”:

Nothing else can make a boss look frustrated when an employee doesn’t agree the mistake which he had done. His frustration can sometimes turn him to take strong actions against you if you have committed the mistake. So, don’t ever give a chance for him to take strong actions against you. To avoid it, accept the responsibility and try to figure out the source of the problem and also take right actions in order to solve the problem and fix it in a right way. Don’t even think of ignoring minor mistakes as it can turn out to be a big mistake in the future.

3. “I don’t want to work with him”:

Workplace is the place where good relationships must be built whether you like it or not. It is very much needed for you to get along with people whenever possible. Don’t make a mistake of refusing to work with a colleague in front of your boss as it can turn out to be an unusually extreme statement and many may think you are a difficult person to mingle with. Instead of asking your boss to change your partner, ask him for solutions and advices on how you can make a good relationship with your colleague to make it go more smoothly in the future.