Do Women Make Bad Bosses?

A Boss-survey by found 37 percent of the workers prefer having a male boss whereas 43 percent doesn’t care the gender of their boss. But 17 percent reportedly prefer a female boss. Though, gender equality is addressed and talked much, why women are not preferred in top executive levels?  Many reasons are addressed to portray women bosses are turning bullies and very difficult to deal. Women are said to have inability to deal with stress and emotions. And apart from the negative stereotyping in the society, women are also felt insecure at work.

But the question is relevant whether men bosses are really best bosses? Men are known to have work-life balance, and they are said to be the ones who do not take their problems at work to home where women are just opposite. The most obvious thing is women are less in number in top level executive position but the reports still speaks 9 out of 10 employees are well experienced of bullying a boss at work. What does it mean?

Well, what do you think whether gender is matter of concern in top level executive positions in corporate world? Of course, in today’s world, gender should not be matter of concern but a boss should be: the one who motivates others, the one who provides comfortable and satisfying work environment, the one who holds accountability and leadership traits and after all, the one who is worthy for the post.

Yeah, we cannot review a book by its cover and we cannot judge a boss by gender either.