10 things about good bosses

Bangalore: Do you like your boss? Let's be honest, a majority of employees will definitely come with a negative answer to this question. Yes, bosses are not always there to be liked. But is there any fun being a boss who is not respected or ineffective at managing staff? Of course not, so let's have a look at what it takes to be a good boss. Below are 10 things that bosses can do to guarantee that their subordinates and co-workers will respect them. 1. Praise the staff in public, correct them in private
Good bosses know it very well that praising and encouraging the staff is the key to have a positive atmosphere within the office and it helps to bring the best in them. If someone does something well, a good boss should recognize them for their efforts. People need to know when they are doing well and that they are appreciated. However, if someone is not doing so well, speak to them privately, instead of calling them out in front of a group. 2. Pay people what they are worth
While paying your staff, don't think you are losing in extra expense. Pay your staff what they're worth. While determining annual bonuses or profit-sharing for all employees, keep in mind that if you are paying them extra, you'll certainly gain in performance.