Do More Work in Less Time

Late-afternoon (4 pm to 6 pm):

You might get enough of relaxation with less attentive works, now with much concentration you can get back to those difficult stuffs. You can plan for the important meeting now. Do the tasks where you need creativity and increased productivity. You will be re-energized to do all the heavy works now.


Early evening (7 pm to 9 pm):

Jacobs suggests 7 pm to 9 pm will be better time for you to prepare yourself for work. If you want to learn a new skill, spend this time to learn it. Also preparing for your presentation and for reading any documents, this time will be the best. But she urged to stop any work related activities within two hours of your bedtime.

In her article, she has also mentioned, a power nap of 15- 20 minutes can increase your productivity. But unfortunately, most of the companies did not adapt the idea of ‘power nap’ at office.