Do More Work in Less Time

Morning (10 am to 1 pm):

After waking up, everyone seems to be more attentive and active. As the brain is refreshed after sleep, your creativity and critical thinking will be in highest level. It is the best time for you to operate tricky machineries; also the team spirit will be elevated. She suggests you to do all the problematic, difficult and risky tasks on this time. If you want to get anything done by your boss like a salary hike, this will be the best time to approach him.


Mid-afternoon (1 pm to 3 pm):

Probably, your energy level has gone down as you worked hard and broke your head on those problematic issues for first three hours. Now, you need to divert your mind from difficult tasks. On these two hours, you can do job-related activities like business calls or e-mails or other work scheduling where you need not put much energy to concentrate.