Common Workplace Retaliations

Common Workplace Retaliations

Bangalore: Workplace retaliation can be occurred in many ways. According to one of the study conducted by Ethics Resource Center (ERC), there is a remarkable increase in the rate of workplace retaliation to those who are under pressure to ‘ignore wrongdoing’. The rate was noted as from 8 to 38 percent. The study has also shown that zero tolerance policy of the company can prevent retaliation. Workplace environment should be in favor of employees’ safe and pleasant working, and employees should be encouraged to report any misconduct at office. Ethics Resource Center (ERC) is a U.S. based non-profit research organization which dedicated to the improvement of high ethical standards and practices in both private and public sector institutions.

ERC found some most common workplace maltreatments which resulted after reporting ethical violations or any other offenses at office. According to the report, 64 percent of the employees felt they are expelled by their supervisors or management after reporting any illegal activity. And also they felt they are excluded in making any decisions or work activities. 62 percent of the surveyed experienced an indifference towards them.  Other 62 percent reported as they have verbally abused by their boss or someone else in the management.

Lay-off and no promotion are other approaches, if you report any misconduct occurred at office, 55 percent of the employees said. Verbal abuses by co-workers also reported as workplace revenge by a percent of surveyed. While 46 percent says they have experienced a pay cut, 44 percent reports they are reassigned or relocated in work. Degradation at work, online harassment and physical harm are also reported as the workplace retaliation tactics.

Along with mentioning the most common workplace retaliation, ERC study found an association between an ethical corporate culture and the rate of retaliation an organization experiences. For creating a healthy work environment, employers should have to reduce both misconduct and retaliation at workplace. For employers, it is important to have internal controls to prevent any revenge which can occur at workplace. By developing a strong corporate culture will help to prevent any such retaliation. Also through giving training and by making regular communication with them, employers can make them comfortable to speak up their workplace related issues. Brining an anti-retaliation policy will also help employees to not be afraid of workplace retaliation. A zero-tolerance policy towards retaliation will also offer less pressure at office.