Check How Work Culture in India Differs from Other Countries

As the space between different cultures has been decreased to accommodate multicultural employees in a board, business process has to be fit in the modern world which can be carried out through creating new versions of old styles.

Though, Indian employees work for more hours and in spite of working hard, there is no difference in excellence found between Western workforce and Indian workforce. President, International Business, Godrej Consumer Products, Shashank Sinha said people in developed markets are more aware of their work week, efficiency and effectiveness compared to Indian economy. Comparatively the output is also not excellent considering the time spent on a project.

Corporate world in India also differs from its European counterparts as the workplace here is very hierarchical which values seniority and age, whereas, Europeans practice a more or less democratic workplace relationship.

Also Indians are said to hate being led and appreciates a participative system at work, where people in China would like to follow a command and control structure.

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