Check How Work Culture in India Differs from Other Countries

Comparing to European work culture, which is greatly innovative and brilliant in executing ideas, India couldn’t make a mark in line with innovation and compliances as much as Europe did.

Director of Larsen & Toubro Board and President of L and T Power, Ravi Uppal mentioned that, Europeans are systematically moving ahead in line with the organizational structure. Though, nation to nation, work culture in Europe has different phase, these European economies are incredibly successful. It points out that there is no single system that can fit in any geographical area. To make a successful existence, workplace culture is adhered to its ethnic culture.

Nowadays, developed world is seen to adapt a uniformly ordered work culture which pinpoints the impact of team work despite of its flat or pyramidical, hierarchical or democratic organizational structure. Also, Europeans experience a highly valued workplace ethic which always tends to recognize and reward excellent talents and skills which can lead an organization towards continued growth and headship.

Serious commitment on an assigned work, clearness, and plurality of decision making are the strongest work attitude which can hope excellent accomplishments in workplace.

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