Check How to Detect a Trustworthy Boss

3. Empowers People:

Trustworthy leaders crave for the success of their employees. They tend to empower the workers to take action and encourage the employees to be themselves. They promote their employees to take risks and do not reprimand or judge them for unsuccessful but good-intentioned efforts.

4. Focus On Creating Leaders, Not Followers:

A leader who you trust wants you to be successful. They encourage you to be a leader, and not a follower. They do not hesitate to share the secrets of their triumph and are least concerned about the consequences. A trustworthy boss will never be threatened by the success of the people working under him/her, but rather stumbles on a sense of accomplishment because of it.

They do not crave for stardom and opt to not steal the limelight from you. They tend to be modest about their accomplishments and aspire to help create a roadmap for your success.

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