Check How to Detect a Trustworthy Boss

1. Transparent Communicator:

Bosses, who can communicate clearly and transparently, are most likely to earn the trust and respect of the people working under them. Such individuals make it easier for their employees to work and make it a point that the message is delivered appropriately, thereby minimize the mistakes. When a boss embraces an open dialogue, people working under him/her feel safe to speak out their mind knowing that there are no hidden agendas.

It is easier to trust a boss who emphasizes on interaction that is not always limited to the workplace.

2. Embraces Unconditional Feedback:

Leaders who aspire to earn the respect of their employees generally tend to look for opportunities to grow and mature at their work. They do not put forward any constraints and embrace unconditional feedback, so that they can continuously improve and become a better person. They do not use their power or authority to limit the voice of the people working under them. And on the contrary, they lend you a voice, without the thought that an employee’s voice should be constrained to its place on the hierarchical chart. Although such leaders are rare, they do exist.