Check How Google Hires Its Employees Every Year

#3. On-Site Interview:

The first two rounds of interview are generally to shortlist the candidates. Once the individuals get past the initial processes, they will be invited to attend an onsite interview process, which is an in-person visit to the location specified by the employer.

In an onsite interview, the candidate will be interviewed by four to five interviewers for about 45 minutes each. In case, the job opening is for a technical role, the candidates will be asked to solve real time technical problems, coding a solution or creating a design.

#4. Interview Feedback:

In this process, every interviewer involved in the process put forward their feedback about the job applicant in a standard format and allocates a numerical ranking to them. Then a search is carried out to match the job applicant’s resume and finally an email is sent to the Google’s employee responsible for hiring, seeking their opinion about the respective job applicant.