Check How Google Hires Its Employees Every Year

Google’s Interview Process- reported according to an Infographic presented by JobVine [an International recruitment platform] on the Business Insider website.

#1. Recruiter Screening:

This is the first and the most important step in the recruitment cycle. This process basically benefits the employer, job applicant and most of all the recruiter.

In this process the recruiter basically examines every resume of the job applicants for educational credentials, experience and technical know-how to ensure that the candidates are eligible and are potentially fit.   

#2. Phone Screening:

Phone screening process helps the recruiter to make the best use of the time by streamlining the selection process. This is an effective way to minimize the time spent on travelling and usually takes less than half-an-hour. This process helps the recruiter to shorten the applicant pool to a minimum, who will be invited to attend the next round of interviews.

During this process the recruiters interact with a job applicant, help him or her to understand what to expect and brief them about the process. In case the recruitment process is for a technical engineering position, the recruiter may enquire about the SAT scores and college GPA (Grade Point Average).