Check How Google Hires Its Employees Every Year

#3. Right Mode of Resume Submission:

Building a great resume is just the step in a successful job hunt, and most people fail to recognize that the mode / way to get the resume across and thereby getting noticed are equally important. In today’s tough job market, where an aspiring individual simultaneously competes with thousands of other capable candidates, knowing the right way to distribute an individual’s resume can make all the difference.

The generalized steps to be followed in this process are as follows- first and foremost step is to get organized and to stay organized irrespective of the situation. The next step is to post your resume on various job avenues. The third step is to find the advertized position that meets your criterion. The fifth step is to revise your cover letter as per the job description on the ad. The last step is to send the resume and the attached cover letter, and finally following up with a phone call.     

You can also opt to reach out to Google employees through the social media. Interact and reach out to them. Inform them about your proficiencies and interesting things that you have carried out, and finally link them to your resume.